
My name is Ruggero Micieli De Biase. I was born in Ottaviano (NA) in 1970. I have always been passionate about Computer Science, High Technology, and web programming, even though I have a degree in Agricultural Sciences. I have always worked and continue to work in the IT field. At a certain point in my life, having always had a great passion for nature and animals, I discovered nature photography in 2006. So I thought, why not share the intrinsic beauty of nature and animals with my shots? By adopting various techniques of landscape photography and macro photography, with time, patience, and practice, I managed to achieve good results. Over time, my love for nature has never diminished; rather, it has grown, and the pleasure has never ended; it actually increases every time I observe nature and wildlife while walking. Today, my pleasure is not only photography but also a simple walk in nature.

My photographic adventure began with a digital Olympus, my first reflex camera. After a few years, I started to feel the lack of lenses dedicated to nature photography, and I faced a new choice: which brand to start again with? After much time and indecision, I switched to Canon.

After a positive experience in the Canon world, today I am experimenting with satisfaction in the mirrorless world of Panasonic Lumix. Even though I am just an enthusiast, I wanted to share some of my shots that you can find on my website I have always shared photographic and other experiences with my dear old friend Claudio Labriola. Together, whenever we can, we enjoy wandering through nature on tiptoe.